Tim: So, here’s a video for you. (Music starts at 1:39.)
Tom: And as a heads up: there’s some bloody violence in here, albeit played for laughs, that might unsettle a few people.
Tom: Now, I was hoping that was an OK Go cover, because that “Get Over It” is pretty much perfect for McBusted. Instead, they just ripped off the keyboard scene from Wanted. (And yes, that is Professor X hitting Star-Lord in the face.)
Tim: I believe the standard phrase right now is “well that escalated quickly”. Assuming you’re okay with mindless violence and people getting off with gorillas, it’s rather enjoyable isn’t it?
Tom: I… guess? Heaven knows why Tom McFly has suddenly decided he’s going to be a 1980s cartoon wonderkid, though. And what’s with the opening scene shouting at the girl? It’s a cheap joke, but it… gah, I’m complaining about narrative in music videos, but it makes no sense at all. The track, though…
Tim: Loud and raucous, as befits a track sung by a guy telling himself to get his arse into gear or by an unconvincingly-acted employee telling his boss to do one. Decent tune to it, with plenty of singalongability, and a nice fun video to go along with it, complete with the staples of Busted jumps and Harry Judd getting his torso out because when doesn’t he.
Tom: Mmf. I listened again, this time without the video, and sure: it ain’t bad, but I can’t help feeling that McFly were much better than McBusted.
Tim: All in all, top track, and, dare I say it, one that would probably have made a better lead single than Air Guitar. But what do I know. Actually, don’t answer that.