Tim: PREVIOUSLY ON EUROPLOP!: “formulaic, by the numbers, cheap, almost lazy, just no.”
Tom: We’re harsh sometimes, aren’t we?
Tim: Yes, but hopefully, as in that case, never unjustifiably. Shall we see if his second track’s any better?
Tim: Yes, yes it is. A whole bucketload better, though that voice gets me a bit, because it sounds a bit fake, almost like really, really badly applied autotune, but it can’t be, can it?
Tom: No, I don’t think so — I think that’s a combination of a slightly unconventional singing voice and Scandinavian vowels. I could be wrong though.
Tim: So let’s assume not, and then given his voice as it is I have few complaints about this. It’s a very good uplifting ballad; like all the almost-best uplifting ballads it could of course be improved with a key change.
Tom: It really does need one, you’re right!
Tim: Oh, and he should really visit a barber who knows what they’re doing.
Tom: Fashion, Tim. I think it works.
Tim: Well aside from that: really rather good. Speaking of key changes: Melodifestivalen 2015 kicks off four weeks tomorrow, so put that date in your diary please folks.