Tom: DnB producer DJ Fresh has a couple of notable hits under his belt, but in my head he’s mostly noted for the ridiculous Dibby Dibby Sound. This time, he’s gone for what I can best describe as “euphoric vocals”.
Tim: Yep, “euphoric vocals” works for me.
Tom: So, I’ve previously established that I’m a sucker for Americana, road-trip music videos, but in this case I had this playing in another tab — I didn’t even notice that until half way through, and it was the icing on a pretty damn good cake.
Tim: Indeed – as the actual Ministry of Sound states below the video, “Big track, great video! Thumbs up all round ” and who are we to disagree wit the government?
Tom: Now, I’ll grant you that it’s a bit by-the-numbers: there’s nothing unconventional or surprising in here. But: those are excellent numbers to go by. One more chorus and it’d outstay its welcome — it doesn’t have much replay value — but at three minutes this is a properly good track that’d fit nicely in a DJ set.
Tim: It is, especially as you don’t get that many opportunities to dance to a pipe organ. Like it a lot.