Charli XCX feat. Rita Ora – Doing It

“Given the two vocalists here, I’ve got high expectations.”

Tom: Given the two vocalists here, I’ve got high expectations for this.

Tim: Well, the vocals were certainly on point.

Tom: Although now I come to think of it, normally you get a “featured” artist that sounds different from the “main” one. I’m not sure I could tell you which of them is singing which line: mostly it’s just regular harmony.

Tim: Yeah, but that’s not a bad thing – just gives it mores of a girlband feel than a regular duet.

Tom: Huh, that’s fair. I hadn’t thought of it like that.

An odd thing here: there was one more chorus than I expected, and that was the best part of the song. All the lead-up to it was a bit… well, a bit mediocre if I’m honest, not upbeat enough, not melodic enough, a bit by-the-numbers.

Tim: Thing is, it felt a lot longer than four minutes – after two and a half, I was kind of ready for it to end, although that might just be because I had seen more than I needed of the old guy in the swimming trunks.

Tom: That last chorus, though? Suddenly I realised what the song was trying to do. I just wish it had tried a bit harder.

Tim: I wish it had done it a bit faster – speed up by twenty per cent, I reckon you’d have a decent track. As it is, I’ll pass thank you.