Tim: This is an entirely great track, and if you don’t agree you’re basically wrong.
Tom: A bold claim, there, and one that’s almost certainly to set me up against it.
Tim: Well, I guess you’d better listen then.
Tim: Because I reckon that’s up there with some of the better Ellie Goulding tracks – and I’m not sure there’s much higher a compliment I can pay a track of this genre.
Tom: I was going to say “Ellie Goulding album track” during the first verse, but you’re right: with that chorus, it gets elevated up to… well, maybe third or fourth single off the album. I’m coming off as a bit harsh here, but it’s a decent track.
Tim: It really is, and specifically, that ‘longing for the lunar lights’ is a great way to start the chorus – the melody is instantly memorable, and basically it’s right there to sing along to when the chorus comes back for a second time.
Tom: Yes, that I’ll agree with you on, although I’m not sure the rest of it’s so memorable.
Tim: Fair point, and I’m particularly not so convinced by the pre-chorus – it does its job very well as a build in to the chorus, true, but melodically it leaves me wanting a bit more. That chorus, though, very much provides the more, and all my negatives are wiped out. Like this a LOT.