Tom: And to continue the week’s theme: the video went up in October, so fans have had pirated copies for months. But hey, you could have pre-ordered it, and a slightly better quality version will drop into your iTunes account today!
Tim: That’s DEFINITELY what every person will do. But, Tulisa, really?
Tom: I’ll be honest, I wasn’t going to bother with this, and then I saw the name on the YouTube account: SteveAATW. Yep, this is an All Around The World records release, them of Clubland fame, so I’m at least giving it a chance.
Tom: First of all, I bet that’s the first time in a while that an AATW release has booked any male eye candy for a video.
Tim: Nope. Still wasn’t worth it. You know, I’ve made some sacrifices for this site, but few more than sitting through three and a half minutes of that tripe.
Tom: Yep. That is disappointingly generic. I know that’s generally what 90% of Clubland releases sound like, and it’s the spectacular 10% that make it all worthwhile, but… huh. It’s not exactly a floor-filler, is it?
Tim: Nope. Really, really, not. Dull, tedious and basically something I want to switch off after a minute.