Ida LaFontaine – Shut Up And Kiss Me

“An incredibly enjoyable pop song”

Tim: I’ll leave you to insert a “ha, Tim on the dance floor” joke —

Tom: Glad you got there first.

Tim: — but this is the new one from Ida, the Swede who’s previously brought us the rather enjoyable YOLO and Anthem. (Incidentally, if you’re like me you’ll spend the first couple of minutes not paying attention because you’re thinking “who had that big song called this?” before realising you’re think of Rihanna’s Shut Up & Drive; saved you a bit of time there, you’re welcome.)

Tom: I was thinking Chely Wright or Sin With Sebastian actually, but sure.

Tim: And that there, once I’m able to pay attention to it, is an incredibly enjoyable pop song, one of my favourite in a while.

Tom: Yep, agreed. I wasn’t expecting that to be as enjoyable as it was.

Tim: Right, it’s got everything: great chorus (and verses, for that matter), fun video (skateboard moment in particular), nice melody (with some lovely ooh-ooh-ooohs in the background) and generally just the whole package, all adding up to a song that really, really stands up to repeated listening.

Tom: And a successful song needs to manage not just that, but it also needs to make me hit repeat immediately (which I did — that’s rare).

Tim: Speaking of the lyrics, I’m with Ida on this one: people should be direct and really just get on with stuff, because otherwise life would be really quite dull and 1920s. Let’s LIVE FOR WHEN WE ARE, guys.

Tom: Although possibly avoid getting a tattoo of your partner’s name until, you know, you’re actually married or something. That’s just a bit weird.