Tim: And, the award for “most educational video of the year” goes to…
Tom: Oh that introduction can sod RIGHT off.
Tim: Haha, yes indeed. It’s also one of the most desperate videos, though I’m somewhat relieved by the fact that the way they seem to have hired an eight-year-old to say the “maybe” line, implying they know how pathetic the line is. Aside from that, the song is occasionally irritating (particular the Cher Lloyd-esque chanting bits) but mostly quite enjoyable, I find.
Tom: I have something really against those chanting bits, and you’re right: it’s because they sound like the worst of Cher bloody Lloyd. You can sing. So sing.
Tim: Right – if it wasn’t for the video I probably wouldn’t give it the time of day because I’d be put off by every single moment of the first twenty seconds, but as it is it just about holds my attention enough to get to the decent bits, so I suppose the main ‘well done’ for this should go to the person who came up with that concept. Whoever you are: well done.
Tom: And well done to the singer, who seems to be one of the few vocalists who can actually pull off a whistle register.
Tim: Yes, just as long as she keeps singing.