Tim: New one off the next album, this; that’s probably all the info you need.
Tim: It’s an odd one, that intro – there’s no growing, it’s dead on from the start, so it brings the feeling that you’re late to the track, which almost works to its detriment.
Tom: Agreed: it’s the polar opposite of yesterday’s contrast-filled track. Does this go anywhere?
Tim: Well, it’s not just that intro – the backing for the whole thing is at pretty much the same level throughout, barring the middle eight and a few other exceptions, so there’s not a huge amount separating the choruses from the verses. You want maths? Try the Infinite Jukebox chart for it, it’s one of the densest I’ve seen.
Tom: Ooh, get you and your science. I hadn’t thought of using Infinite Jukebox that way, well done.
Tim: After that, it’s hard to know off bat which part we’re meant to get excited about, and so I’m kind of left a bit, well, bored by it, even though I really, really shouldn’t be by a song like this.
Tom: There’s still a clear chorus in there, and there’s some lovely songwriting in there — but yes, it’s let down by that “la, la, la” bit at the very least.