Tim: Katéa’s new and off Finland, with a great big soulful ballad to start herself off with.
Tim: You see? Like many such ballads, it’s mainly about the chorus, but there’s a lot of good stuff happening in the verse – for a start, we’ve got the introduction to her vocals, which sound very good on their own.
Tom: Yes, they do: that first verse is stripped down to a level I’d call “brave”, but it still works. Even that slightly clunky “Call Me Al” reference doesn’t stand out too much.
Tim: On the other hand, bring in the backing vocals and up the volume for the chorus, and it sounds just marvellous. Well, I reckon it does, anyway.
Tom: Agreed: it means there’s a real contrast between the verse and chorus. I don’t think it’ll be on my playlist, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the talent and style that’s gone into this.