Tim: TAKE TWO: I scribbled something about this while you were away a few weeks back, but not much about the music, and (a) I’ve heard it a lot more and particularly (b) I’d like to know your thoughts on it please.
Tom: Given that I started tapping my feet along with it even before the drop: yes. This is good. It’s a song that can get away with an airhorn sample and four-on-the-floor claps, for crying out loud, that’s rare.
Tim: WHAT A TUNE. Galantis, previously best known for their track Runaway that you hear in the opening of this video, but hopefully soon to be known as “those guys behind that brilliant peanut butter jelly one”. I suspect it may be something of a grower, but that’s fine because recently it has been getting ALL THE PLAYS and now I flipping love it.
Tom: Not for me: this worked on the very first listen.
Tim: The video helps, of course, what with the immense amount of sheer joy that is present, but damn if it isn’t one of the most enjoyable songs of the summer. Repetitive? Oh hell yes. But brilliant and wonderful? Oh, even more so. AIRHORNS, dammit, and it just never lets up, even for a second. You dance to this, and you dance and dance and just keep dancing, and sing to the lyrics that mean absolutely nothing whatsoever.