Tim: Since you mentioned “Hey Mickey” last week, I’m assuming this is another one you can file under “songs you didn’t know were covers”.
Tom: Oh! I had no idea.
Tim: And that there is the answer to “why did she choose ‘pretty’ and ‘pity’ to rhyme with Mickey?” which is a question no one has ever actually though to ask. Race were a mildly successful band (two hits), and this was on their debut 1979 album and left to rot as an album track; somehow, two years later Toni Basil heard it and decided she wanted to have a go at it. Fiddled with the lyrics (because eurgh, lesbians), upped the noise level a bit, and presto! One massive hit single.
Tom: And that’s understandable: perhaps I’m just used to Toni Basil’s version, but this is just a bit boring when it’s stripped down. It’s outstayed its welcome at two minutes — which could be true of the cover, too, if it wasn’t for the extra energy that’s chucked into it.
Tim: Fair point – I was going to mention that four minutes was overplaying it and they should have chopped it down like Mickey did, think that couldn’t last longer than three minutes or so.
Lyrics weren’t a perfect transition, of course: admittedly no-one really cares about the words beyond that chorus, but the gender switch gave the lines “So come on and give it to me, anyway you can, anyway you want to do it, I’ll take it like a man” an entirely different meaning. Still, a bit of fun no less. EDUCATION for you, there, hope you found it useful.