Tim: I don’t know if it’s because I’ve watched a lot of Adele being a bit of a stalker recently but by the end of the first verse I was all ready to stay “here’s a Swedish Adele”.
Tom: Ådele?
Tim: Yeah, could work. Have a listen.
Tim: Obviously that went flying out the window upon arrival of the chorus when it went all dark and loud and exciting, because that’s not something I’m expecting the Skyfall hitmaker to be coming out with any time soon.
Tom: I sort of wish she did, though? I’d love to hear something like this on the new album. ANYWAY. Sara Sangfelt.
Tim: It’s a great track, this – as already stated, the chorus is dark and loud and exciting which provides a good contrast to the verse. I was all ready to say “how precisely does wearing someone like a tattoo work exactly” —
Tom: Permanently?
Tim: Yes, or until you attack them with lasers — but then the lyrics come along with the “under my skin, getting deeper and deeper”, and not being able to get rid of it, and it actually seems fairly clever. Nice lyrics, top music, fine vocals, ALL GOOD.