Tim: Previously, you reckoned that their debut sounded “like someone’s tried to take the pop-punk sound and hasn’t quite made it.” Well, as is standard with any new boyband’s second single, we’ve got a ballad.
Tim: And at the risk of making the majority of this review just a repeat of last time, I’m struggling to give this much more credence than “roughly just above average”.
Tom: Yep. To riff on what I said last time: it’s like someone’s tried to take Westlife’s sound and hasn’t quite made it.
Tim: Nice ending, decent comeback into the final chorus, can’t fault the vocals, especially not of the one who did the middle eight – the problem, as we entirely failed to identify last time, is just the song. I don’t know who they’ve got on writing duties, but for a boyband created via a fairly high profile TV series they really should be doing better.
Tom: That’s fair: the vocal performances are great, and the production — while perhaps a little dated in style — is still top quality.
Tim: Still, they have their Suitehearts (yep) to keep them going, so who know where they’ll end up.