Saturday Flashback: Alexander Vasiliou – Illusion

“What is happening two minutes into the video please?”

Tim: On Monday we had a track by Alexander that was for the most part very good but in some parts just awful. Today, we’ll have a track without that last bit.

Tim: Right, first thing first: what is happening two minutes into the video please? Because I know it’s choreography and everything, and they want the dancers to turn around, but does the guy really have to move his hand around so it looks exactly like he’s preparing to do a wee?

Tom: Oh blimey, I didn’t notice that at first, then I went back, and you’re right: it looks like they’re about to win the Nordic Synchronised Peeing contest, which I assume is a thing.

Tim: Well if not we should trademark it, because it could have potential. I don’t know why that leapt out at me, but anyway. Aurally, pretty good. Slightly egregious use of autotune, I’d say, but top marks for final chorus howling.

Tom: Come on, that’s a five-out-of-ten howl at best. It’s a solid track: Children of Tomorrow’s much better, were it not for that guitar.

Tim: You’re right – lose the guitar and that one’s a better track. This on its own, though: good enough as a decent dance track, and so let’s just hope that Children of Tomorrow is just a slight blip.