One Direction – Perfect

“OOF, hidden message alert.”

Tim: First release since they announced the upcoming split, so it had better be a good one.

Tom: Why is Niall playing golf? Why does the director love dolly pulls so much? Why do they have a shared apartment with butlers? Why does Harry have a tie like Colonel Sanders? Mysteries all.

It’s worth flagging up, though: this video shows the separate directions (no pun intended) that they’re all heading in. A producer; a songwriter; a performer; and the other one.

Tim: Yes, you could be be right there. Poor old Niall. Still, looking at the present, I’d wager that this is their best since Best Song Ever. Why? Well, aside from their songs in between not being as great as we’d like – sure, FOUR was a good album, but there was no massively rousing pop on there, most of Midnight Memories was just a racket, and Drag Me Down was a tad dull – we’re back to the excellent power pop, and we’ve even got the occasional synth thrown in on top.

Tom: Well, we have, but I reckon there’s a reason for that. Listen to those lyrics in the middle eight:

and if you like cameras flashing every time we go out / and if you’re looking for someone to write your break-up songs about

Sung by Harry. Who used to date Taylor Swift. Who’s known for writing break-up songs about past boyfriends.

Tim: OOF, hidden message alert.

Tom: And here’s the clincher: this is in the style of Style. Listen to that chorus: it’s almost the same chorus. Or better just listen to both of them mashed up together. (Skip to 2:42.)

Tim: Okay, you’ve got a point. Still, if it worked with her, it’ll probably work for these guys, and who needs more that what we’ve got? No one, really, but that doesn’t mean they’ve stopped there – along with the melody, the voices are as on point as ever, and while the “sure, I’m not technically a great boyfriend but basically I am” variant isn’t particularly original, what lyrical narrative is?

Tom: Yep: my theorising aside, this is still a really good track.

Tim: Basically, they are back well on top of their game, which means that everybody will be just that keen for them to get back together three years from now. Job’s a good’un.