Tim: Right, I have tried many, many ways of getting you festive, so far unsuccessfully. So I’m going to try a completely different tack, with this.
Tom: Oh dear. Given the name of the band, I’m going to brace myself.
Tim: Before you press play, though, two things. First, this is an actual released track, single with a B-side and everything, and not from a TV sketch show as one of my friends hoped it was when he first heard it; second, I’d like you to picture me sitting in the corner with a big grin on my face, gleefully awaiting your reaction.
Tom: Sad to say, at least for your gleeful joy, that pretty much bounced off me leaving no impression whatsoever.
Tim: Oh.
Tom: It’s… well, it’s more that I want to know the story behind it. Who thought this was a good idea? Who wrote it? And my biggest question: when is this from? Because the hairstyles are from the mid-2000s; the homemade CGI is from the early 2000s; that bizarre pseudo-saxophone synth patch is from the early-90s; the keyed background staying static while the people move is from the 80s; but the whole thing was uploaded in 2011.
Tim: Well, you’re not far off with the singles and CGI: single came out originally way back in 2004, and I think it was a genuine release with an actual hope at being successful – the label was the same one responsible for Right Said Fred’s I’m Too Sexy (though also, um, Crazy Frog). Needless to say, though, it wasn’t remotely successful, peaking as it did at number 64.
Tom: I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s terrible, but it’s almost like it’s trying to be.
Tim: Much as I’d love that: nope. It’s just plain awful.