Tim: Do you really know where we’re going, Tom? Do you really care where it ends? Because Ida doesn’t, and to be honest this song kind of makes me want to agree with her.
Tom: Ah, we’ve finally come full circle: a lyric video that actually just features the artist singing the son– oh. Sorry, the chorus kicked in and utterly distracted me there.
Tim: I’m not surprised, because what a song, or at the very least what a chorus. It’s not much of a dance track – starts out more as a vibrant country number, really – but that first chorus got my hands involuntarily slapping the desk, and then when the song returned for the closing section, BAM my head started moving and I DID NOT WANT TO STOP.
Tom: Are you sure that’s not just caffeine? Because it’s not a bad chorus, but it’s not that good, surely?
Tim: Well, I pushed play again, and not long after my hands were clapping and it was all I could do not to jump around the room.
Tom: Let me put it this way: if this were a Eurovision track, and we were back in the stadium, I’d be dancing like crazy to it. In a club, yes, I can see how it works. But it’s still got a lot of slow bits in there, and sitting in my desk — it didn’t quite make it. Nearly did on that last chorus. But not quite.
Tim: Am I just in a very excitable mood? Perhaps. But is this a great track regardless of that? Definitely.