Tim: It’s a common occurrence – you’re not paying much attention to the radio, but you hear a song and think ‘this is great’, so you Shazam it to check it out later, and then you realise with a sigh of disappointment that it was actually just a really good chorus.
Tim: So, let’s be fair, that is a really good chorus – certainly quite an attention grabbing one, especially if you pay a bit more attention and see that’s a song basically bemoaning the constant presence of alcohol and drugs on a night out.
Tom: Yep, spot on. The base instrumental in the verses isn’t bad either.
Tim: The rest of it, though? Well, I’ll take it or leave it.
Tom: Despite our general dislike for rap bits, I’ve got to admit I quite like the flow that Chance has there: it’s smart and it’s complex, and it doesn’t sound like every other interchangable middle-eight rapper out there. Weird, weird censorship though — an obnoxious bleep for “xan”, a drug reference to Xanax, but uncensored n-bombs a few lines later. How very strange. Take it or leave it, maybe, but I’ll take most of this. You?
Tim: Probably leave it, though I won’t complain if it comes on again.