Tim: Since we’ve currently got two Scandinavian Benjamins coming out with dance music, I’ll clarify: more notably and recently there is Benjamin Ingrosso, cousin of proper Ingrosso and full on Swedish. This is Benjamin who has ditched his surname (Feltonen, incidentally) and is half-Finnish, half-Swedish. And has this as his new one.
Tim: Which is admittedly a tad generic, and coming out a good couple of months before anybody is really likely to be up for listening, but on the plus side contains a good chorus and a well-produced lyric video.
Tom: Good chorus. Can’t remember any of it afterwards, though.
Tim: The focus on the body and nothing else does put me in mind of of Sean Kingston/Pit Bull/that lot style song, which is a bit annoying, especially because stylistically it’s not that far away.
Tom: That’s true: replace that guitar-led middle eight with a rap bit “feat. Pitbull” and it’d improve a few places in the charts.
Tim: May be sacrilege to say this, but it might even improve the track. Nonetheless, that ayayayaya bit is decent enough I’ll pretty much forgive that. It’s okay, but let’s have a bit more effort next time, yeah?