Tim: From Sweden, Mavrick brings up this, his second single, so have a listen, it’s only polite.
Tim: And that’s certainly a track that wants your attention, even if it is just to get annoyed at the “I can’t respond it properly” line.
Tom: Here’s something I don’t often say, Tim: I was properly confused by that. Things seemed to come in half a beat early or late, with no warning at all. I had to listen to it twice, and then I think I got it.
Tim: I’m glad. The “same thing over and over” lyric is quite appropriate, given that it has possibly the longest set of repeating lyrics I’ve seen —
Tom: Try this.
Tim: Yep, I guess that might clinch it — but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as long as the music’s good enough, which I think it is here. The chorus is very enjoyable, right from the “it all makes a little more sense” lead in, and what follows from there with the backing vocals I love.
Tom: Agreed: once I worked out what was going on, I really enjoyed this.
Tim: All in: wouldn’t mind some extra lyrics, but I’ll allow it this time.