Stealth – Judgement Day

“So much more intensive and dramatic”

Tim: DRAMA, quite literally in this case as it first got its outing on TV show Suits, but here you go. The accompanying blurb promise “blistering rapture” and “sombre apocalyptic honesty”, and that’s always fun so have a listen.


Tim: Oh, yes, that’s the one it was reminding me slightly of.

Tom: No, seriously, I basically yelled that as he went into the chorus.

Tim: Hmm – well, beyond that and as far as living up to the PR goes, I suppose it is quite sombre, and rapture and apocalypse both go hand in hand with judgement, and honesty comes along in the chorus lyrics; all we’re missing is blistering, and I’ve no idea what that might mean to describe a rapture, so let’s give it full marks on that count.

Tom: Which is probably why it sounded so similar to me: religious stylings, similar vocal quality and tempo.

Tim: Ignoring all that, though – how is it as a track? Well, along with Hozier, strong James Bay stylings are what immediately leap to mind, but so much more intensive and dramatic, and to be honest, I love that. It’s loud, it’s heavy, it’s basically all the synonyms you can think of, and the vocal especially – the emotion that comes through with his voice is just spot on.

Tom: Yep. And my only criticism of the original “Take Me To Church” was that it’s overplayed and I got tired of it: this is a pretty good replacement.

Tim: Great track, as long as you’re not in the mood for happiness.