Tim: Frida’s brilliant song Snow was used in a film I saw recently about an A&R bloke who was a complete arsehole and needed to find some new talent; she played that at a gig and was duly snapped up. I thought that was a bit unfair really, but I guess she was happy with it, and the presumable cash that came with it. ANYWAY, here’s her new one.
Tom: That’s one of the best intros I’ve heard in a while. Something is clearly About To Happen.
Tim: Obvious criticism: there’s not a huge amount going on in the way of lyrics, and that is perhaps something that should be worked upon.
Tom: Agreed: once the Thing Happened, that was it, the song seemed to run out of ideas.
Tim: On the other hand, repeating it over and over again is a hell of a way to get a message across – “I feel like air” might not be particularly inspiring or indeed intelligible, but you can’t exactly ignore the dreamers bit, and certainly not when it’s over backing as impressive as this.
Tom: True, the composition and production is basically perfect here. I still feel it’s missing something — it may just be anything in the low frequencies, because it’s all treble and no bass — but what’s there is great.
Tim: Right, because just listen to that stuff at e.g. 46 seconds in – isn’t it just gorgeous? And it persists throughout. It’s so LOVELY.