Tim: Tom, my neck still hurts from when I went trampolining over the weekend, and that annoys me.
Tom: You did land face first.
Tim: Well, let’s chalk it up to lessons for life: don’t attempt a somersault unless you’re confident you won’t injure your head and face and neck. Anyway, we’re getting distracted. Thing is, I really wish I could jump around and dance to this.
Tim: Swedish House Mafia style music has dropped away recently, which is very much a shame, because I’d take this over That Genre any day.
Tom: The thing is, it’s almost exactly the same. Dial down the intensity a bit, change the synth pads, and suddenly there are coconuts everywhere. And yet, now tropical house is so overplayed, this sounds like a breath of fresh air.
Tim: You could make that argument for a lot of things – subgenres are always closely related, and it’s the finesse (in this case, toned down beats and steel drum synths) that make tropical what it is. Here, that’s all gone, and as far as I’m concerned it’s better for it.
I could mention a criticism or two – structure’s odd, with it being split into two identical halves meaning it’s over far soon that it feels it ought to be, even if it has played out long enough, and the gap between the two halves is just long enough to be uncomfortably disconcerting.
Tom: Yes, that’s true: I do wonder if the requirement to have everything at or around 3-5 minutes sometimes stifles creativity. Chuck this in at two minutes in the middle of a set, and it’d be fine.
Tim: Other than that, though, this is great. I don’t know if I’m saying that just because it’s fresh and new, but I’ve missed dance music like this being released. And I love having it around.