Tim: Let’s head to Norway now, and one that got knocked out in the first round of voting; let’s just say that the Daily Mail would have had a field day.
Tom: Bloody hell, that’s… that’s good. It’s like a Little Boots track. In fact, it’s a lot like a Little Boots track. That’s probably why I like it.
Tim: I have a slightly different take on this, which is: God, I shouldn’t love this. It’s about as appropriate for Eurovision as those Polish washerwomen were, and we really shouldn’t have a sexually domineering woman shouting about sticking her finger right in your socket on primetime Saturday night TV, and yet something about this makes me love it.
Tom: I’ve got to take some marks away due to the old “second verse, same as the first” problem — it outstays its welcome even at three minutes, and that’s something you can’t say of… well, an actual Little Boots track. But despite all that, I can’t help but like this, and I’m not sure why.
Tim: For me there’s a number of possibilities: the unashamedness? Could be. The energy and the enthusiasm? Also an option. But mainly, I think it’s just a good song, with a great chorus. Everything else? That’s just a bonus.