Tim: I’ve a feeling the lyrics in this, off Norway, could take you either way; I’ll just say, have some fun with it.
Tom: Ah, the old “dance / chance” couplet. Yeah, it’s not exactly lyrical genius at any point, is it?
Tim: No, but none the less I really like it, for one reason alone: it’s just. so. happy. The music right from the get go is all up and jazzy and swingy, everyone in the video is clearly enjoying themselves, and it’s really rather infectious, particularly with that “nothing’s gonna stop us” line.
Tom: I can’t disagree: it’s really easy for something like this to come off as trite and overenthusiastic, but it does genuinely sound like a happy song — and he’s clearly a frontman that can make it work on video.
Tim: Kicking like Jackie Chan, swinging like Tarzan, and just generally being Elvis and Superman – who wouldn’t want all of that on a Great Bowling Day?
Tom: Literally none of those things are required for bowling.
Tim: True, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be welcome, and I’d be happy. Very happy indeed, in fact, just as much as this lot seem to be.