will.i.am – FIYAH

“Nope. No idea why.”

Tom: Normally, we wouldn’t cover a will.i.am track. It’s not our genre. But then, he doesn’t normally film a video on Coronation Street.

Tim: What?

Tim: Oh, right. Any idea…

Tom: Nope. No idea why. But then, that could apply to a lot of what will.i.am does.

Tim: Well, true. Bit of a shame he didn’t get any of the cast involved as well, really, but I guess you can’t have everything.

Tom: So first of all, let’s make it clear: he’s saying “so hot, need a fan in here”, not “so hot, need a fanny”. It’s the accent.

Tim: Ahhh, okay that makes a bit more sense.

Tom: There are bits of a good track in here.

Tim: You sure about that? I’m sure as hell not hearing them.

Tom: That introduction’s great. The chorus hook would be a decent base to build an actual chorus on. There’s not much else in here for me, at least, but I’ll admit we’re well outside what we normally cover.

Tim: Yes…yes we are. And I’m happy to keep it as an exception.