Tim: If we’re describing Emmelie de Forest and the like as putting out folk-pop, fancy some of its slightly rowdier sibling, folk-rock?
Tom: Yes please: that can be a pretty damn good genre when it’s done right.
Tim: Massive drumbeats and a gentle guitar, topped off with a nice soulful vocal that’s all about moving on and developing. Favourite part: the ooh-OOH parts in the chorus, which are great for randomly joining in with out of nowhere and scaring fellow commuters.
Tom: Well done there, Tim. How many funny looks did you get?
Tim: Not sure – was in the drivers seat on the DLR at the time, so looking round to see would have been irresponsible.
Tom: Now that said, the ooh-OOH parts just didn’t work for me: they just seemed repetitive and not particularly tuneful.
Tim: Gosh, what an, erm, interesting opinion. Because I think all of the song is really very enjoyable, the production’s basically flawless and the vocal line sits perfectly on top of it; I’d say this is probably one of the best songs of its genre you’ll find.
Tom: Huh. Now that’s where I disagree. There are some quite lovely parts, particularly that middle eight, but it just doesn’t pull together for me.
Tim: Whether the genre’s your particular cup of tea, or whether or not you’re in the mood for it, is obviously not for me to say, though I will say that if you don’t like this at all then you’re wrong. Because it’s great.
Tom: There’s some good folk-rock out there, but this isn’t it.