Tim: I think we need to face facts: Icona Pop’s release strategy is all over the place. Girlfriend was plugged as their next single to be released in America, but that seems to have been forgotten about now (though the video got put online at the weekend) and they’re back, in America at least, with this one. It’ll probably arrive here sometime this decade, but who knows.
Tim: I’ve decided I really like Icona Pop now. When I first heard I Love It, I thought it was a bit iffy – maybe too shouty and a bit of a racket. It still is, to some extent, but actually when you put it next to the rest of their output it fits in nicely, just on the heavier end of the scale, and if you’re in the mood (yes, there’s that qualifier) for loud pop they actually fit the bill almost perfectly.
Tom: True: there are some tracks you can only appreciate when you’re in the mood for them. This one’s on the more mainstream side of their output, though — it has a melody — and I’ve got to admit that works for me.
Tim: The songs are well-produced, and they know exactly what they’re doing with them – creating party tracks that are there to be danced to.
Take this, for example. Yes, you could assume that the whole “with love this deep we don’t need no sleep, we could do this all night” is the whole bedtime stuff…
Tom: “Bedtime stuff?” I’m sorry, are you nine years old or something?
Tim: Well, I was trying to keep this family-friendly, but okay: the rumpy-pumpy.
Tom: Anyway, I reckon it’s more about…
Tim: Perhaps partying the night away, throwing your arms all over the place and finally emerging from the club just in time to get a kebab for breakfast? Whichever floats your boat, I guess.
Tom: Personally, I’ll stick with option 1. Particularly if option 2 involves a kebab.